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Márta2025 - AN CLÁR IS ÚIRE UAIM/My most recent RADIO SHOW

18 May 2023

⭐ When a Star is Born 0001 🌠

Dear Piękny noworodek w ramionach mamusi,
dziękuję za przybycie w tym czasie! I'm delighted! Beautiful new beginnings, and you are the bright new star to light up this neighbourhood, where "no one hardly dances" [John Spillane; Dance of the Cherry Trees]. Sweet dreams beautiful newborn baby. I'll leave you for now with this beautiful song from ArdRí na nÉin (the HighKing of the Birds), the man himself. PS I think maybe this is not your mammy or daddy's style of music, but hey, you are a human being all on to yourself. Fly high little one, and "be yourself, no matter what they say"!

Le grá mór,
Twoja samozwańcza przybrana ciotka, Bríd

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