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Márta2025 - AN CLÁR IS ÚIRE UAIM/My most recent RADIO SHOW

28 March 2023

Me want to feel Better like. Naturally! UPDATED on 5thMarch2024

I am no longer affiliated with the product mentioned below. I am removing the link. The information is still totally relevant. I appreciate fully the work of Jeremy Ayers. I do not resonate with his team. There are lots of doctors who are teaching for free, while also having paid memberships. Both are totally valid. You will find the right one for you! Trust & Believe.
Go GET your wings!
Le grá as Gaillimh,
Bríd Linnet
PS The testimonial below is testament to the Carnivore lifestyle in general.

+++Yer wan from that radio show be still knocking about and she just nabbed me blog. A-gain! Sigh. Asho.+++

"I said it before but I'll say it again", this sounds funking barmy. Eating fat to improve my health? Knock off!

But I've seen the results myself.

I used to slug back 2 litres of coc-ain-cola in one or two days, and I'd eat chocolate until it came out my ears. LOVE the stuff I do.

Then I stopped all that and "cleaned up" my act. I loved veg and fruit, and raw cacao in smoothies - so I'd have one of them a day to  make up for the chocolate and cokey tastes, thinking I was doing my body a favour.

Very soon after stopping eating white empty carbs I stopped having a feeling of depression in my body cells. That sounds weird, but that is what it had felt like. Lethargy of the cells.

So things were looking up.

Just by giving up the white plastic as I call it, that made a huge difference already. But then came the chronic pain and I was hardly able to walk for 8 months. I was going up the stairs on all fours.

So obviously I was on the lookout again for more information. For more education. 

Then I heard Jeremy Ayres talking one day on YouTube, and he mentioned the word "oxalate" in relation to food, and I had never heard of it before, and I was flabbergasted as I had done enough research into food, foods, foodstuffs, to give me 2 PhDs.

In anyway, Jeremy Ayres is an international natural health educator and his healing protocols "NATURALLY BETTER" combine the best of his Chiropractic, Osteopathy & Naturopathy skills and experience in helping 100s and thousands of people all over the world to heal themselves from every conceivable ailment you have ever heard of.

Jeremy's protocals teach us to remember to use mother earth's bounty - her sunshine, her grounding facilities and her recharging ions (just as we have to plug in a mobile phone when it's on 7%, we have to recharge our own bodies, and mother earth is equipped to absorb our negative charge and dissipate it, as well as giving us, in ONE FELL SWOOP, new positive energy).

This "new chance at life" as I call Jeremy Ayres' protocol, invites us to remember who and what we are, so in addition to what I already metioned above, it also reminds us of other brilliant and necessary things like the thing that singer talks about in that song that I'll link below, about it being "time for healing, not concealing, ... grieve (or is it breathe) in freedom, human beings something, something [meCyannae remember the lyrics now. Me had too much coffee this morning. #AndOtherStories
. [#BrainFog] (see the song linked below)" 

Jeremy's protocal invites us to think about not only what we put INTO our bodies, but what we are NOT PUTTING IN.

We are invited to choose between 4 different eating regimes (4) (F O U R).

{I am FIRMLY of the belief, contrary to the teachings of people I hold in HIGH esteem, that people can thrive on any of these 4 eating regimes [choose from 1) strict carnivore, 2) relaxed carnivore/keto/low carb, 3) vegetarian, 4) vegan] IF they are in the right (self-made) environment, free of those things that cause toxic reactions in their particular body, from beauty products to different types of "food", to smog from our computers and phones, and relationships with people/friends/family members which are not conducive to our nourishment and thriving as every plant and animal and human being is here to do.} 

#GetToTheFuckingPointBríd I hear my mum Caitlín [catch lean] saying. 😅

The point is, less than three weeks (3) (T H R E E) (W E E K S) after implementing SOME of the things on Jeremy Ayres' life-saving and life-emhancing CHOICE-CHANCE-TO-CHANGE-MY-LIFE, I was able to walk/run up a hill without even a limp in sight. 

A few weeks earlier I looked like I was 15 years older or more, and I was walking with a humped back. and as I said, I couldn't go up the stairs without going on all fours.

So dahs all me have to say for now about this. (she says)

Except here's the Naturally Better website (link at bottom) if you are interested in checking this out.

You'll see my own photograph 
which I took 2 weeks in to this life-changing experience amongst the testimonials on the homepage of Jeremy Ayres.

My testimonial and that of a 1to1 client of Jeremy's

So it's THKU to Jeremy Ayres [and his beautiful and funny and loving team*] Updated on 5th March 2024 by me, Bríd Linnet. I am so happy that I heard about you that day in April 2022. Buíochas le Dia.

As my radio listeners know, I don't "do" labels or trade marks or products. For God's sake I was living in Galway city for 7 years before I found out where that big famous shop on the corner of Eyre Square going down towards Shop Street is [equivalent to Times Sqaure relative to NY city] (that used to be called one of the "Tods of Limerick etc." variety of a big posh store, but only for Galway).

Someone said to me "I'll meet you outside {that famous big shop}" and I said "What, there's a {that famous big shop} in Galway???".

Beautiful Bríd with her head in the clouds and in the birds and in people's eyes, and people's smiles, and in their songs & stories.
Everywhere but only not on banners or shop names.

But yeah, I'm sharing an AFFILIATE LINK*!(which means that anyone who takes this new lease of life and signs up via my link below for all this fun and frolics and hard work (but "I'm worth it", innit?) will drop a few dollars into my bank account too. And proper order! *Link removed today 5th March 2024 by me, Bríd Linnet.

Oh, this whole post was to share this video with you. 🙂 (link will open in a new page. Be sure to come back here though, innit?)

YouTube Official trailer Reversed TV Series

And thank you to Sharron Jones aka The Purple Alchemist (YT/Insta) for posting this video on FB today.

PS The song, innit? Here:
Pillars of Truth by Murray Kyle

PPS Oh, yeah, my affiliate link to Jeremy Ayres' brilliant life-enhancer chance:
Linked removed by me, Bríd, on March 5th 2024.

+++Now knock off and give me back me blog man! Asho.+++

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