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26 May 2023

⭐ When a Star is Born 0003 🌠 aka Drogi Piękny Noworodku w Ramionach Mamusi/Dear little newborn baby in your beautiful mammy's arms

Dear little newborn baby in your beautiful mammy's arms/Drogi piękny noworodku w ramionach mamusi, 

I had 3 items of evidence of you little angel. But they were all circumstantial, because there was not a bit of you in sight. Just the beautiful items of clothing on the clothes horse that day in the Galway sunshine. Pink! Which had me guess that you're a girl! Yayyyy! And your beautiful black & gold pram sparkling in the rays of the sun! And of course your mammy's beautiful big round proud belly that morning I saw for the first time that you were in sight. Just hours before she left to bring you into the world. 

So the four magpies were just a decoy! Boy?! Nice try magpie-family!

And your big brother is so, so proud of you. And he is the best, best, BEST big bother (small letters) in the whole wide world.

Yesterday I got more evidence!

REAL evidence.

I actually got to see you in all your glory! And WHAT glory that is! And I learnt your name. The BEST name out there. Diana. I *love* it!

Welcome to the 'hood little shining angel Diana.

We have all been waiting for you!

Lots of love,
Le grá mór,
Twoja samozwańcza przybrana ciotka, Bríd
PS Please share this video with you beautiful mammy and your big tall gentle daddy, and remember Diana ("to shine") 
and Seraphin ("the fiery one" that I see has a loving gentle demeanor). And remember forever these lyrics from this amazing song by our national treasure, John Spillane: "...we were children, and our mothers were young, and fathers were tall and kind"!

PPS Did I mention that you are about 2 weeks old. Your mammy and daddy told me!


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