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Márta2025 - AN CLÁR IS ÚIRE UAIM/My most recent RADIO SHOW

20 July 2021

***From one of my favourite CDs ever I heard - "RESIST" written by Welsh singer Sian Evans and performed by her band KOSHEEN***

++That Bríd one is back. The Rogue Bríd. From Galway's favourite Irish-language World Music Radio Show, "Rogha Bhríde" on Galway's Only Alternative Radio Station, Flirt FM 101.3. It's been si-ix years and for-ty days, since she stole my blog away" Aisling Ní Acamé++ 
***From one of my favourite CDs ever I heard - "RESIST" - written and performed by Welsh singer Sian Evans and released initially on 17 September 2001 by Sian's band Kosheen. I met Sian in Graz, Austria while she was on this tour (see video). I didn't know her from Adam. It was also the day I met the beautiful Manfred Url for the first time properly. (I had met him at a party a few weeks previously in the attick apartment of his Columbian neighbour, a mutual friend of mine. We were glued together sitting on a wooden ladder to one of those high-ceiling beds that only the Germans & Austrians know so well how to build. Until about 3 in the morning when Manfred felt really tired and said he had to go home to bed. Luckily for him it was only 23 footsteps from Fernando's flat to Manfred's house, the house in Sigmundstadl that I moved in to when we became an item, and where we lived after we got married. Luckily for me I was staying at Fernando's house that night in the aforementioned brilliant huge bed in the skyceiling. Along with another lucky 5 bodies who I didn't recognise but felt during the night. (I had removed my contact lenses and didn't have my glasses with me.) In anyway, as I strolled along Marburger Kai that day, past Kastner & Öhler, turning the corner onto Schlossberg Platz, I was expecting to see the handsome guy from the stairs sitting having a beer by the neck at one of those brilliant outdoor seating areas that only Austrian & German & Slovenian etc. cities know so well how to do. He had told me at the party he was a painter. I thought house painter. So when I turned the corner that day in the blazing sunshine, like the Galway today one, the last thing I expected to see was this beautiful man with the gorgeous blond hair, shoulder length and tied back in a pony tail, standing at an easel painting a 100cm x 120cm canvas. Holy Fuc£ing Moly. And when I saw the painting my gob was even more smacked. He was wearing a chemist's white coat. I mean, how Manfred can you get. A brilliant-white almost starched chemist's coat. Only the brilliant white was covered in splashes of paint. Of all colours. Brilliant! I came here to tell you about Kosheen. And about their good news. That my favourite album of all time has just been remastered and is now available for me to hear on all platforms. There is a connection between that and Manfred Url and that beautiful sunny day in Austria when my life changed in oh so many wonderful ways. But I've been writing for 34 minutes. And my challenge to myself today was to write for 30. So I will expound another day. Here's the link I was referring to in the blog entry heading:

<p>Éist le seo! Listen to this! <a href="" target="_blank">Kosheen - Hide U | Live Wiesen 2003</a>.</p> Have to dash. The sun is screaming. Photos to follow. And if that link doesn't work blame Asho. Like she said - "It's been si-ix years and for-ty days, since she stole my blog away"! (But *do* YouTube it: Kosheen - Hide U | Live Wiesen 2003) (The fonts? Don't even start me!)

PS Liebe Judith Peters (aka Sympatexter/#RapidBlogFlow, ich weiss, dass ich mir versprochen habe, einen Blogartikel auf Deutsch zu schreiben und zu veröffentlichen. Ich bin jedoch stolz auf mich, dass ich überhaupt einen Blogartikel geschrieben habe und in etwa 20 Sekunden veröffentlichen werde. (Und schau mal wie viel der Artikel aber SEHR mit meiner Liebesgeschichte zur deutschen Sprache zu tun hat! Geil! Gell?) Ich bedanke mich recht herzlich bei dir!

++Gibste mir jetzt mal verdammt nochmal mein Blog zurueck! Innit? Aisling Ní Acamé++ 

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