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Márta2025 - AN CLÁR IS ÚIRE UAIM/My most recent RADIO SHOW

22 July 2024

scríofa ar/written on 22ú IÚIL/July 2024 ar 21:03 Ceol/Music/Love/Grá i gCondae na Gaillimhe & in aice le Co. an Chláir! !

Condae a' Chláir ABÚ!!! Up the Banner!

11 years awaiting.

'Tis ne'er too late!

Worth waiting for if it is!

And another one worth waiting for is the RETURN OF MR. ANDY LAMY & HIS 'Shannon-Hudson Line' (classical meets Irish trad musical fusion ensemble), comprising no less than THREE CLARINETS (straight from the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra) together with our very own accordion maestro, Dermot Byrne (Up Donegal!), Co. Clare gentle guitarist extraordinaire, Garry O'Briain (with a bonus Mandochello to boot), and that Rogue of a Radio Presenter & singer, Bríd LINNET Ní Mhaoileoin from Flirt FM Galway's 'Rogha Bhríde Radio Show' (bodhrán & voice).

And THAT's all we're telling you tonight.

EXCEPT the VENUE:Gort Town Hall Theathre, Gort, Co. Galway
the DATES:Saturday 3rd August 2024
(featuring the whole 'Shannon-Hudson Line' 2024 Ireland ensemble)

Sunday 4th August 2024, Gort Town Hall Theatre, Gort, Co. Galway - Bríd Ní Mhaoileoin & Dermot Byrne agus cúpla aoi speisialta/with some special guests


(listen to my interview with Andy Lamy at the top of this blog on your DESKTOP)

MÍLE BUÍOCHAS le hOisín as ucht an fhíseán-fhógra seo a dhéanamh dúinn.

ANDY LAMY & HIS 'Shannon-Hudson Line' will WARM UP FOR THE GORT GIGS with a gig in Dublin in the Dublin Convention Centre, as part of ClarinetFest 2024. A nice wee spot!

OOOPs, we don't think the video mentioned above is working at present, so we will add this one: as in 'imperfect ACTion we like better than PERFECT inaction'

15 June 2024

Stanza written in DeCafé near Cappagh


I saw a lot of gorgeous cars today
shiney & bright
and driven with care.
And the drivers who got in and out,
I wished they loved themselves as much as they love their car.


14 June 2024

#SAMHLAIGH!!! #Imagine!!! #SABOTAGE versus #FULLyalive & #FulllyHuman


i love these two!

i love their humour & lighthearted, easy way.

it's SO true about the SABOTAGE!!!

"ah shure, just have ONE!"
"I would if I wanted to. You enjoy yours though!"

04 June 2024

🐦‍⬛REVIEW of NEW BOOK "Weapons of Mass...PROTECTION"🐦‍⬛ by Mark Attwood agus Abby Wynne

Have a listen to this review, if only to hear this beautiful woman's voice [Janine Morigeau] !

# SweetMusic
# CeolBinnNaNÉin
# SendingRavens
🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛❤️ 🐦‍⬛

AG ÉISTEACHT LE/listening to:
Sting AG CEOL/singing: "American in New York"

02 June 2024

Nóta Grá chuig Dia, dán [Love Note to God, a poem]

that beautiful farmer is working again
it is Sunday
white birds are flying around him;
are they seaguls or doves?
because the sea is quite a wee bit away, and I'm not sure there would be seagulls here.

it must be doves.
🕊My Doves of Peace🕊

le/by Bríd LINNET Ní Mhaoileoin ("Bríd Rogha Bhríde" ar FB) Anois díreach, 4:18 i.n. ar an Domhnach, 2ú Meitheamh 2024 le buíochas do Brynne Dippell, Ph.D. as ucht na hinspioráide agus a spreag mé le seo a scríobh.

Legal or ill-eagle???

***Are these human experiments legal or illegal?***


did my post disappear/cá bhfuil mo phostáil????

away into Cyberia...

"I've said it before, and I'll say it again..." (hint: the movie was made before I was born)

Ag léamh/Reading: "Mo bhealach féin"
Ag éisteacht le/listening to: "Casadh an tSugain nó Má bhíonn tú liom, bí liom"
Ag smaointiú ar an fhísean seo/thinking of this video ar YOUTUBE: “Casadh a’ tSugáin” in the shortest # Short Ever LE/BY TheIrishSingingCarnivoreDJ

"I've said it before, and I'll say it again..."
But my project manager is lookin' at me... So I'll come back to this later.
Meanwhile, enjoy 5 minutes of my favourite music/put your wee feet up/get yourself a wee cup a tae/take off your shoes/put your feet on Mother Earth/and listen to a songn or two on my radio show. Link above this post. Bain taitneamh agus tairbhe as!

16 May 2024

RANT - aka MOTIVATIONAL (to me from me) TINY LITTLE LOVING MORNING rant (you are welcome to be a fly on my wall)

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

15 May 2024

Rogha Bhríde ar Flirt FM 101.3 na Gaillimhe/Rogha Bhríde Radio Show 15th May 2024

Inniu in áit a bheith beo ar an aer le clár úr, agus in áit clár úr a thaifead sa bhaile agus a sheoladh isteach chuig Flirt FM na Gaillimhe, rinne muid athcraoladh ar chlár ón chartlann, agus ba é sin ná ar chlár a bhí ina cheol choirm a rinne mé leis an chlár sa "Cube" in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe i 2015 mar chuid de Fhéile Múscailt.

"Rogha Bhríde Beo - Ceol as Conamara" a thug mé ar an clár sin ag an am.
Ba iad mo chuid aíonna ná Batsheva Battu as Páras na Fraince/An Spidéal, Deirdre Nic Dhonncha as Cladhnach in aice leis an Cheathrú Rua (bhal, díreach trásna an droichead i ndiaidh "Tigh Khitt", áit ar bhuai mé le Deirdre don chéad uair thart ar 2011), agus Steve Sweeney as Dún na nGall (murach go raibh sé ag inse bréaga, agus measaim go raibh)/an Spidéal, agus mé féin ar an bhodhrán, an bhouzouki agus ag déanamh comhcheol le Batsheva agus le Deirdre ina gcuid amhrán.

Is rogha seort randamach a bhí ann pioctha ag muintir an raidió - is ceol choirm eile a bhí a chuardach agam, agus is seo an ceann a d'aimsigh siad, buíochas le Dia.

Beidh mé ag cur le seo níos moille le cóip den chlár agus cúpla grianghraf a glacadh ag an am, a bhuíochas le Fionnuala Gallagher, a bhí mar Oifigeach Ealaíona ar an Ollscoil ag an am.

Slán go fóillín, mar a deirtear i gConamara grá mo chróí

09 May 2024

#MS #MultipleSclerosis #BrainFog #Crashed #Wheelchair #HardestTimeOfMyLife #CouldntHoldACONVERSATION

WATCH THE INTERVIEW by author Rabecca Audrey Johnson with her father, GP/Family Doctor, Mr. Johnson (I am presumptively presuming... {re his name}...

#asturias #offgrid #offgridliving #homestead #carnivore #chronicillness #multiplesclerosis #vanlife

Search for the video:
"What does my DOCTOR Dad think about the Carnivore Diet?!"

on YouTube.


+++Tháinig an bhitseach sin isteach de rith mór bocléimneach agus sciob sí mo friggin' bhlag. Arís! Tá mé focan tinn tuirseach den chac seo!
Aisling Ní Acamé+++

A chara,

An dtiocfadh leat cuidiú liom?

Tá mé ag iarriadh éisteacht ANOIS DÍREACH leis an Athair Brian Ó Fearraigh ag rá an amhráin álainn sin, An Draighneán Donn.

Mar a dúirt an fear a dúirt é {Josie Bhaibhlín, tusa a bhí ann} "má tá rud le déanamh agat agus gur mhaith leat go ndéanfaí é ar an bealach is éifeachtaí, cuir glaoch ar Bhríd... [GRMA a Josie as ucht an "vote-of-confidenseáilte"], agus ionas nach sílfeadh daoine gur á scaoileadh amach do thóinín a bhí tú a Josie, tá Pleann B agam, agus Pleann C ar eagla nach dtig le duine ar bith agaibh cuidiú liom láithreach bonn.

Seo chugam Pleann C, mar nach bhfuil fonn orm anois díreach agus é a 3:04rn/am dul amach chuig mo Nissan álainn ó leis an dlúthdhiosca a fháil... ACH "don't call me [a lazy lay-about]!" (A Fish Called Wanda)

[Diane Ní Chanainn | Diane Cannon le Lillis Ó Laoire - An Draighneán Donn ar YouTube]


SEO! - BrídTV!!!

Má tá cóip leictreonach agat den amhrán úd, leis an Athair Brian Ó Fearraigh, seol chugam le do thoill é agus buíochas (seol teachtaireacht chugam sa bhocsa beag atá ar dheis ó seo ar an leagan den suíomh idirlín seo atá ar an ríomhaire deisce), nó fag (fág?*) teachtaireacht agam thíos faoi seo (más ar ghuthán cliste atá tú).

Beir bua agus beannacht a chara,
Bríd LINNET Rogha Bhríde Ní Mhaoileoin

+++TABHAIR MO PHOCAN BHLAG AR AIS DOM ANOIS DÍREACH A OINSIGH! ‘What’s In A Name?’ Spoken by Juliet, Act 2 Scene 2 “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell [the bloddy same Grandma].”

Aisling Ní Acamé
PS Why does a woman who's mother tongue is Irish not know whether the word "fag" in Irish is spelt "fag" or "fág"???
What's THAT all about biatch??

04 May 2024

I managed to give up the cigarettes! BUT... SHI/T!!!

++She bloody-well nicked my blog AGAIN! Aisling++

20240405 Dé Satharn 10:33rn/am

Dreaming of: Kinvara Cuckoo Festival

Listening to: Yvonne Casey & Katie Theasby

I managed to give up the cigarettes!

But have I become hooked on alcohol instead??

Oooops! Is that a bit "clicketyBaity"?

In anyway, watch this space for more...

++Give me back my funkin' blog biatch, or I'll whack you over the head with thon bottle of Schnapps! Aisling Ní Acamé++

28 April 2024

### Big fuking RANT keyword hashtag SUICIDE ###

fukking SUICIDE!

Don't start me! 

In fact, I don't have to write this post.

Because I've pretty much said it all before.

In this here video here.

Stick your fukkin tags up your asses. Your tags and your keywords and your cakes and candy too. 
#ChemoNCandy #LetThemEatCakeWithTheirChemoToo

30 March 2024

Meeting Mr. Concertina & Mrs. Mr. Concertina in that Hotel that Day Last Week aka Tóg go bog é!

In my radio show this week which you can listen to above or below, I talked about the beautiful new friends I met just before recording the radio show. Mr. Concertina is from the North West of England, just below Newcastle if memory serves. Or did she say above it. Because it wasn't Mr. Concertina who told us. It was Mrs. Mr. Concertina who told us. And it was she too who told us that Mr. Concertina was Mr. Concertina. While he was gone to the bar or somewhere. Because up to this point all we knew was that the two people at the table next to us had the most lovely accents. Not the same but different. I myself especially loved Mrs. Mr. Concertina's accent. And Mrs. Mr. Concertina told me that Mr. Concertina wasn't only a concertina man, but also a dulcimer man. Not the hammer type, but the across-your-knee-and-plucked-with-your-fingernails type.

Just there now, I went over to my #ProverbialLIBRARIAN and I asked her to give me some info and pics of the knee-type dulcimer. Her info told me that they are also called a Mountain Dulcimer (which would make sense as you could just yank them over your shoulder and climb every mountain with them). They could also be called an Appalachian Dulcimer. And my #ProverbialLIBRARIAN also told me that it was played by that beaufiful American folk singer & songwriter called Jean Ruth Ritchie who was also known in some circles as the Mother of Folk. I'll play some of her songs for sure in an upcoming show! Yes and I motherfolking will!

In anyway, I really really really enjoyed the over-3-hours we spent chatting to Mr. & Mrs. Mr. Concertina. And I played some tunes (songs really) for you, and I played a few songs which were recommended to me by my good friend Fritz. And I'm sending love and good wishes to Germany to Gudrun, and I hope you'll come over and visit us soon.

And I played a request from myself to the beautiful singer and flute player and whistle player, Katie Theasby. And Katie, tóg go bog é! Everyone, tóg go bog é le bhur dtoill. Múch an teilifís. Caith uait na nuachtáin. Fág uait Facebook agus #eXtwitter mar a bheirim féin air, agus éist le huair a chloig de cheol deas réidh séimh mar atá i mo chlár raidió "Rogha Bhríde Radio Show - Ceol le muid a Chothú agus a Chneasú (MusicToNourish&Heal)".

With requests and love to Katie Theasby (Singer/musician), Concertina Man, Mrs. Concertina Man, und Fritz&Gudrun. Agus le ceol álainn ó/and w beautiful music from:
An Tor, Bube Dame Koenig, Lá Lugh, Sting (putting on his best bad Irish accent), Sandra Steinort mit Moremaids, Chris De Burgh, Altan, Sharon Shannon featuring #SinéadOConnor, The Byrds, Agus #MickJagger leis na Stoners.

Bain taitneamh agus tairbhe as! I hope you enjoy it!

PS If you're reading this on a mobile phone, scroll to the bottom and click on "View Web Version". 
Then scroll back up to the top to see my Radio Show player. 

22 March 2024

⏰***Ti-I-y-I'm, is on my side, yes it is!***⏰22.03.'24

 ***Ti-I-y-I'm, is on my side, yes it is!***

In October 2023, just around my 55th birthday, I visited my brother Pádraig up on the Hill. We sat looking across the bay at Muckish mountain and Errigle, and over at the Shandon Hotel where we had played music when we were kids. It was a gloriously sunny day. So warm. Pádraig gave me a present of a beautiful watch. He is mad about the watches and clocks and beautiful mechanisms of all sorts. He is a master carpenter as well, and a brilliant artist, so his creations are a mixture of all those loves he has. But in anyway, the day he gave me my watch, he told me he didn't have a new battery for it, but would put a battery in that still had some life in her, and that would keep me going until I got the chance to get a new battery. He told me that when a watch battery is at the end of its days, the wee second hand will hop about 5 or ten paces, rather than the usual 1 wee hop per second. I can't remember why he told me this happens, but he said it's a way of knowing that you will soon have to find a new battery.
In anyway, about 5 weeks ago I was in this brilliant shop. The type that has one of everything that you've ever needed for a household or farm. (Like Micky Joe's Country Store used to be, until Micky Joe handed it over to someone else. Ochón.) And I saw a wee battery that was the same size as my watch's one. But the number was different. So I asked the wee man if he thought the battery would do the wee jobby, even thought it wasn't the exact same kind. The wee man said yeah. (I didn't really totally believe that he totally knew, but I ran with it anyway, because even a few days of having my lovely watch work was better than no day).
I asked the wee man would he put the wee battery in for me, (I thought I deserved this, after his having tried to pull a blinder on me) . He obliged and I was delighted and I left with my wee bunch of things that you don't REALLY need in our household, but will make you very friggin' happy. In any event, the wee battery did a great job for about 3 weeks. And then it started doing the wee skippy thing and then it stopped, so then I KNEW. Yesterday I brushed past the watch sitting on my desk, and saw it was still stopped. (Never think never!). And JUST THERE NOW a wee while before noon today, I picked up the watch and put it in my pocket as a reminder to get a new battery. I went into my other wee room and looked at the clock and the clock said 11:57 and I thought, "that's odd!". So I took the wee watch out of my pocket and it said "11:57". And my heart skipped a wee beat and I thought "waow! You're working again!" but then I stared at it for ages to see if it would do the wee dance for me, and it didn't. So I guess that's just Ti-I-y-I'm having the craic with me.
I like it!

Slán go fóill agus bíodh lá deas agat duit féin!
🕰🕰🕰⌚️🕰 Bríd
PS 🕊 My beautiful little dove just landed on the wee bush outside my winder as I finished that. ❤️ 

05 March 2024

Update on my post from one year ago re Carnivore Diet

 I am no longer affiliated with the product mentioned in the post linked below. I am removing the link. The information is still totally relevant. I appreciate fully the work of Jeremy Ayers. I do not resonate with his team. There are lots of doctors who are teaching for free, while also having paid memberships. Both are totally valid. You will find the right one for you! Trust & Believe.

Go GET your wings!
Le grá as Gaillimh,
Bríd Linnet
PS The testimonial below is testament to the Carnivore lifestyle in general.

Original post here with some changes made today:

Aisling Ní Acamé: Me want to feel Better like. Naturally! UPDATED on 5thMarch2024 (