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Márta2025 - AN CLÁR IS ÚIRE UAIM/My most recent RADIO SHOW

22 March 2024

⏰***Ti-I-y-I'm, is on my side, yes it is!***⏰22.03.'24

 ***Ti-I-y-I'm, is on my side, yes it is!***

In October 2023, just around my 55th birthday, I visited my brother Pádraig up on the Hill. We sat looking across the bay at Muckish mountain and Errigle, and over at the Shandon Hotel where we had played music when we were kids. It was a gloriously sunny day. So warm. Pádraig gave me a present of a beautiful watch. He is mad about the watches and clocks and beautiful mechanisms of all sorts. He is a master carpenter as well, and a brilliant artist, so his creations are a mixture of all those loves he has. But in anyway, the day he gave me my watch, he told me he didn't have a new battery for it, but would put a battery in that still had some life in her, and that would keep me going until I got the chance to get a new battery. He told me that when a watch battery is at the end of its days, the wee second hand will hop about 5 or ten paces, rather than the usual 1 wee hop per second. I can't remember why he told me this happens, but he said it's a way of knowing that you will soon have to find a new battery.
In anyway, about 5 weeks ago I was in this brilliant shop. The type that has one of everything that you've ever needed for a household or farm. (Like Micky Joe's Country Store used to be, until Micky Joe handed it over to someone else. Ochón.) And I saw a wee battery that was the same size as my watch's one. But the number was different. So I asked the wee man if he thought the battery would do the wee jobby, even thought it wasn't the exact same kind. The wee man said yeah. (I didn't really totally believe that he totally knew, but I ran with it anyway, because even a few days of having my lovely watch work was better than no day).
I asked the wee man would he put the wee battery in for me, (I thought I deserved this, after his having tried to pull a blinder on me) . He obliged and I was delighted and I left with my wee bunch of things that you don't REALLY need in our household, but will make you very friggin' happy. In any event, the wee battery did a great job for about 3 weeks. And then it started doing the wee skippy thing and then it stopped, so then I KNEW. Yesterday I brushed past the watch sitting on my desk, and saw it was still stopped. (Never think never!). And JUST THERE NOW a wee while before noon today, I picked up the watch and put it in my pocket as a reminder to get a new battery. I went into my other wee room and looked at the clock and the clock said 11:57 and I thought, "that's odd!". So I took the wee watch out of my pocket and it said "11:57". And my heart skipped a wee beat and I thought "waow! You're working again!" but then I stared at it for ages to see if it would do the wee dance for me, and it didn't. So I guess that's just Ti-I-y-I'm having the craic with me.
I like it!

Slán go fóill agus bíodh lá deas agat duit féin!
🕰🕰🕰⌚️🕰 Bríd
PS 🕊 My beautiful little dove just landed on the wee bush outside my winder as I finished that. ❤️ 

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