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25 December 2011

Letting the sticks flow with the current, or going to the dogs, or... something like that

I'd like to tell all my loyal readers (i.e. you mammy and you Mo) that I am very sorry for having let things go by the wayside (or for "letting the sticks flow with the current*" as they say in the old lingo) over the past few months. Since the beginning of September to be exact.

It's not like I don't WANT to be writing, it's just that I have BETTER THINGS TO DO!

I HAVE A NEW JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm as, as as, ... Oh wait a minute while I get my new book of proverbs (by Donla Uí Bhraonáin {DCU Irish language and enterprise department, etc.}) which is in 4 languages - Irish, English, Polish and Spanish. 500 proverbs! (multiplied by 4!!! Heaven!)

Oh deary me, where will I find the time, between getting up in the morning at 6am to prepare for my beautiful job, and getting home again at 5.30pm, to read it. I'll just have to leave it in the bathroom and pick up a proverb or two slowly but surely while I'm doing my stuff.

Anyways, as the famous proverb goes,or is it just a saying?, the more you have to do, the more you get done, innit?

*"ag ligint maidí le sruth" - to neglect , LIT. letting the sticks flow with the current

This English translation of the original post posted 11th of Christmas (sorry, of DECEMBER) was done today, this very special day of the year, especially for my friend Mo, 50% of my loyal readership, as requested by her very gracious self on the comment to the original posting. I swear. She DID ask for it. If you don't believe me, just go and click on the bloody comment!

While I'm here, I'd just like to tell you all (ok, still only two of you) what a chilled-out day I'm having. What a beautiful way to celebrate the day that's in it. With good friends, good food, and a good walk by the sea with good drizzle blowing into your face. Talk about free skin therapy and energy and balsam for the soul. And time in between everything to dip into my book of proverbs and even to go SURFING!

1 comment:

Néidí said...

11 Christmas an greannmhar!

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