Breakfast and a newspaper. Ah, the pleasures of being a freelance translator! One of the articles which catches my attention this morning carries the heading Lough Atalia works to cause 'mayhem' (Galway Independent, 11 March 2015).
Mayhem is a strong word.
I only need to read one line. "Employees working in and around Moneenageisha [Móinín na gCiseach] will be seriously impacted by the impending works at Lough Atalia..."
I'm a glass half-full type of gal, so when I see the words "seriously impacted" I can only beam with possibility.
My car was off the road twice in the last 12 months. Once last year, for a week, and now again this week. Both inconveniences seriously impacted me. Last year I started cycling to work. Oh, the freedom of gliding past the chock-a-block traffic! It seriously puts wind in your sail, in every sense of the, ehr alterated (sic.) idiom.
And the not-having-to-look-for-a-parking-space. Yer siree Bob!
And then, almost a year to the day, like the proverbial kick in the arse I needed to get (back) on my bike, my car took itself for a holiday again.
Below is the Galway Independent map with the "circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one [is]", as Arlo of the Guthries would put it.
I call this one "mayhem".
And here is roughly the same area taken from that online map bunch. (Thanks! You're a great bunch of lads!). It's about 2.2km from one end of the disputed area to the other, as the crow flies. You'd do it in 10 minutes with the wind in your sails!
I call this one "harmony".
Lough Atalia can also work to cause 'harmony'. (Pun on the title intended).
Harmony is a strong word.
Extra nuggets:
Móinín na gCiseach
NEVER SAY NEVER! If these guys can do this, then surely "Park & Cycle" is also possible:
Park & Ride
Park & Ride, Christmas
+++On yer bike and gimme my bleedin' blog back! Aisling Ní Acamé+++
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