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An CHÉAD AGALLAMH LIOM 'RIAMH ar an taobh seo den mhic/My FIRST EVER radio INTERVIEW as a DJ

trying to figure out how this works.... :-) (2ú Bealtaine 2024, 11:51) Going for imperfect action, rather than perfect inaction, as the man himself Mark Attwood would say. Got it! (16:00 - after dinner! Yum!)

19 June 2009

A Róisín, a chara/Dear Roisín (Ingle)

Maidir le: Úsáid chomhfhiosach de fo-chomhfhios do bhabaí

Bhí cara liom ag tabhairt amach le déanaí faoina ‘níon atá ceithre bliana déag d’aois, agus faoin dóigh a bhfágann sí na soilse ar obair i gcónaí. Thug sí sampla dom ar lá a “raibh uirthí” seacht gcinn de shoilse nó de ghiuirléidí a mhúchadh mar nár mhúch a hiníon iad. "An tslat nuair a chruann le haois" a dúirt mé liom féin.

Tamall ina dhiaidh sin agus mé ag léamh "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" le Dr. Joseph Murphy, smaoinigh mé ar mo chara arís. Má mhalartaíonn tú "your subconscious mind" le “do leanbh”, agus má mhalartaíonn tú "your conscious mind" le “tú féin” ins an sliocht seo thíos, tuigfidh tú mé.

"Your subconscious mind is very sensitive to suggestion. Your subconsious mind does not make comparisons or contrasts. It doesn't reason and think things out for itself. This latter function belongs to your conscious mind. No, your subconscious mind simply reacts to the impressions given to it by your conscious mind. It does not pick and choose among different courses of action. It merely takes what it is given. Suggestion is a tremendously powerful force". (Is liomsa na béimeanna)

Ó tharlaíonn go bhfuil tionchar mór ag tuismitheoirí ar a leanaí, go háiríthe ins an chéad cúpla bliain (sul a dtosnaíonn siad ag dul a mbealach féin), mholfainn duit a Róisín toiseacht anois ag cur barúil abhaile ar an gcúpla. Tá mé ag déanamh nach mbeidh aon mhaith leis má thosnaíonn tú agus iad ag fágáil an baile.

May I make a suggestion Róisin RE: The Power of Your (Baby's (Babies')) Subconscious Mind(s)

A friend of mine recently complained about how her 14-year-old daughter didn't switch off the lights. She told me of how one day she had "had to" turn off 7 (seven) lights and other electrical gadgets in her bedroom. Old dogs I thought.

Later I thought of my friend while reading "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" (Dr. Joseph Murphy). "Your subconscious mind is very sensitive to suggestion. Your subconsious mind does not make comparisons or contrasts. It doesn't reason and think things out for itself. This latter function belongs to your conscious mind. No, your subconscious mind simply reacts to the impressions given to it by your conscious mind. It does not pick and choose among different courses of action. It merely takes what it is given. Suggestion is a tremendously powerful force". (My emphases)

Switch "your subconscious mind" in the above passage with "your baby" and switch "your conscious mind" with "you".

Now may I suggest Róisin that "your conscious mind" start suggesting to "your subconscious mind" the importance of switching off after switching on, before your "subconscious mind" gets a mind of its own and switches off for good. You might make an impression.

"Irish was beaten into us"

'There is a charming tale of Tchekov's about a man who tried to teach a kitten to catch mice. When it wouldn't run after them, he beat it, with the result that even as an adult cat, it cowered with terror in the presence of a mouse. 'This is the man,' Tchekov adds, 'who taught me Latin.' Bertrand Russell, Freedom versus Authority in Education, 1928

11 June 2009


Tá ME TINN TUIRSEACH DE dhaoine a bhíonn ag tabhairt amach faoi rudaí, ach nach ndéanann aon rud chun rudaí a athrú. Mar shampla daoine ag gearán faoin aimsir in áit éadaí uisce-dhionacha a chuir orthu agus dul amach ag feachaint cé chomh haoibhinn agus atá sé 'bheith amuigh ag siúl san fhearthainn. Nó daoine ag tabhairt amach faoi dhroch sheirbhís nó dhroch bheatha i mbialann, ach gan casaoid a dhéanamh faoi leis na páirtí caoi.

Agus tá mé tinn tuirseach dom féin ag tabhairt amach faoi dhaoine ag tabhairt amach faoi rudaí nach bhfuil siad ag dul a athrú, agus mé féin gan a bheith ag déanamh aon rud faoi. Bhail, seo chugaibh anois mé. (Agus má tá botún gramadaí ar bith anseo, cuirfear fáilte is fíche roimh ghearán chun go dtig liom é a athrú.) Tá abhar gearáin anois againn, muise by dad, i bhfianaise na gcinntí a foilsíodh le déanaí i dtuairisc an Bhreithimh Ryan. Agus seans againn rudaí a athrú, nó ar a laghad ár mbarúil a nochtadh faoi.

Le do thoill, cuir d'ainm leis an achainí ag iarraidh ar Rialtas na hÉireann gníomhú maidir le tuairisc an Bhreithimh Ryan.

"Is binn béal ina thost"? Is minic ciúin ciontach! “Silence is golden”? “Loose lips sink ships”? Well, let’s sink some ships goddammit.

I AM SICK OF Irish people complaining but not doing anything about whatever they're complaining about. Whether it is about bad food in a restaurant but not bringing the complaint to management or to someone who could make a change, or complaining about the weather but never going out walking with rain-proof clothes on, and enjoying the magic of a country road or a city street in the rain, never mind the feeling of empowerment gained therein.

And I’m sick of myself for complaining about people who complain, but never doing anything about it. That is, me not doing anything about it. So here it is. In light of the recent findings of the Ryan commission child abuse report, we now have something to complain about and a chance to make a change. Or at least, a chance to have our voices heard.

"Is binn béal ina thost"? Is minic ciúin ciontach! “Silence is golden”? “Loose lips sink ships”? Well, let’s sink some ships goddammit.

Please sign this petition asking the Government to take action regarding Ryan Report on Child Abuse.
Petition now closed